Shut Down F8
Re: Re: The Agony and the Parody -- koeeaddi Top of thread Forum
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09/16/2004, 11:51:06
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Koeeaddi -- This post of yours, for sure, is your most  succint, honest, complete and gut-wrenching, heart-felt post todate.  And I  COMPLETELY AGREE, feel your pain and have great compassion for your feelings today.  You are such a beautiful and wonderful person -- a friend of mankind.  I hope your pain subsides quickly.  I know you'll be fine and carry on and continue to prosper, even with a heavy heart. 

Whaddya think about this, however:

Though I agree with and quite enjoyed the great posts of "Mick" recently, the theme of preventing the public from being taken is to be applauded but perhaps not as necessary today as stated.  The efforts by posters on Forum 8 to warn the unsuspecting public of the harm associated with this cult are still welcome (Joe, Marianne, NickW,  others -- I just love your posts and attitude), but perhaps not as necessary today as it might have been some 20 years ago (or even five).  In that there are no more sick Trainings ("hooray") or monestary/ashrams where pupils of the Master were holed up for the 70's and early 80's being sick and doing nothing for society or themselves or their fellow man, the likelihood is almost zero (PAMs excepted) that some new person today can end up actually dedicating (physically) his/her entire life to Maharaji by living in his monestary/ashrams and having absolutely nothing for themselves.  Still the public must be on guard against the entire web of deceit purported by The Prem Rawat Foundation,  Elan Vital and Prem Rawat and his bag of tricks (such as "Hey, he never said he was GOD or Divine".  Yeah, sure, right. ) .  Foundations are tax shelters set-up many wealthy athletes and other wealthy Americans to better retain and have use of their money by following the narrow codes of the Internal Revenue Service, thousands and thousands of pages long, including interpretation and cases, by which rich people can shelter their funds from the tax man.  They set up these foundations and often have their friends and/or family run them at nice salaries (with paid travel, etc. expenses), and the tax breaks are enormous.  In Prem's case, he uses his sycophants to run his Foundation.  Usually, however, many of these foundations actually do some actual good – like for instance the millions and millions of dollars donated by The Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation (Mr. and Mrs. Miscrosoft) towards education and fighting disease here and abroad.  The Prem Rawat Foundation let us know that they've donated some bags of rice and some free eye exams over the years.  W O W .  We herea t F8 ain't gonna touch this legal framework which was carefully set up with the legal advice of professionals.  No way.  It stinks, but it's legal.  The stuff NikW talks about with the funds perhaps illegally being moved from EV-UK to EV-Swiss and EV-Australia, is another matter, way over my comprehension.  But I still can smell it (yecccchhhhhh!).  [You go, Nik]

So, in that light, perhaps we (Forum 8) should all go home and in our place just post a note on EPO that if anyone has any questions or wants to discuss anything about Prem The Master, they can contact so and so; and then the e-mail addresses of a few people who volunteer to answer the public's questions will be shown.  (Nice "service" for a few people.)  The EPO contains all of the facts about the past and the negative issues of the cult as told by former members – all authenticated, documented and relatable.  Forum 8, however is a mixed bag.

So, perhaps we should look at The Master and his followers and their quest as follows:  First, we all know Maharaji doesn't give a rat's behind about anybody or anything except himself and his family and friends.  He's arrogant and abusive, but has socked away from his unknown cult members enough cash to retire and live like the millionaire he is in his hilltop mansion overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu, California (with an estimated propertly value of $25 million), but no, he is too merciful (hahaha) and instead of just retiring, he continues his "laborious" travels a couple of times a year (on the world's most expensive private jet, staying in the world's most glorious hotel rooms and villas, eating at the world's finest restaurants or his private chef), speaks for an hour or so and gets reimbursed for all of these exorbitant expenses by his Church (another U.S. tax code set-up from the 70's known as Elan Vital [formerly known as Divine Light Mission]) as the Religious Head of said Church (most heads of churches in America drive Plymouth sedans or the like -- not fly around in fully loaded Gulfstream Vs) -- all legal according to his adopted Uncle Sam, so say his tax and legal advisors.  

So, I say, let the sycophants have him and all of it.  Let them worship the Master in song and prayer and kiss his feet at private locations around the world.  Let them send him checks and gifts.  Let them go out and try and hoodwink an unsuspecting public (but not their friends or family – too embarrassing, and you want to keep your friends, so says the Master's brother) about why they should join the cult.  Okay, if someone wants to get involved, at least they're not going to get totally financially cleaned out (by moving into a monestary/ashram).  Other harm to their psyches might ensue, very much perhaps, but not enough to pull a fire alarm (constant F8 pounding).  Just EPO being online is enough information necessary, I think (but most posters would not agree, I'm sure).  New persons who've passed the test administered by Prem Rawat's lieutenants and "receive Knowledge" (what a bunch of crap) might become disillusioned and disappointed that the techniques don't really bring peace, and confused that "devotion-lite" to a non-caring Master doesn't either – only, it seems, the total FANATICAL devotion (Bhakti Yoga) will bring the false sense of peace his devotees desire.  Move to Malibu, they all say.  [Hey, if you live anywhere other than NY, LA, Fla. or Toronto, forget about ever taking anyone new to see him in person.]  But, so what.  Who really cares?  You can get him on cable.  It's all about the first-class travel for him, his family and his entourage.  Nothing like seeing the world.  Therefore, perhaps it best to just close down F8 and just go home.  All discussion are moot.

But not to worry, F8 posters, I will be shouted down in a minute.  The fun here will continue.  And I do and will agree that F8 is a fun place to hang out – beating the living crap out of devotees and their Master in parody, expression and amusement.  (Actually seeing the word "Master" with a capital "M" makes me friggin sick.)  P.S. By the way, I'm sure I've been blacklisted and am not to be talked to by current devotees on order from on high.  The last of my couple of premie friends have now completely ex-communicated me. 

Modified by OTS at Thu, Sep 16, 2004, 14:31:44

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