Hi Cynthia
Yes I totally agree that it can be shocking to see doctored pictures, especially for newly exiting premies or indeed fence sitters, actual premies and indeed people who have been out for ages.
Perhaps I ought to have amplified my comments to not only include the bad taste aspect (which would apply to any doctored picture anywhere) but also include the aspect that pictures of Maharaji do often act to "trigger" a deep emotional reaction amongst people that have in any way been involved with that man. And then doctored pictures (combined with sheer bad taste) of Maharaji may and often will trigger an even deeper emotional reaction. So I think that ex-premies who individually choose to create a doctored picture of Rawat should think carefully about the dual aspect of creating a bad taste picture and the likely negative and deep emotional trigger that such a picture will have on a wide range of people who have been or are involved with Maharaji. And you are quite correct to point out that ex-premies operate simply as individuals and not as a group.
Also you are right that pictures of Rawat undoctored and in its unadulterated form is mostly sufficient. These pictures (together with many times accompanying quotes) will often be enough to prise open the thinking process and understanding of what Maharaji is really on about.
Like you, when I first saw the animated picture of Maharaji dancing on the stage I felt "yucky" and did not really understand what was being achieved. However as time has gone on I no longer feel yucky seeing that animation, but I still don't understand what is being achieved other than it being faintly amusing. Maybe I'm too strait-laced?
Taste, after all, is a value judgement thing.