I dropped out from Forum 8 for a long time because it just became so weird. But IMO F8 is really different these days -- it's much, much more focused and I think doing a very good job.
What F8 allows is for people who leave the cult to "come out" publicly, even if they do it anonymously, and to find people who will give them support.
It also is a great place for people to provide information that can go on EPO.
But I agree, F8 isn't nearly as important as it was some years ago because EPO is pretty well established, and obviously doing a very good job. Proof of that is the absolute hysteria evidenced on the Elan Vital websites to try to discredit the truth being disclosed to the public by ex-premies. Those disclosures have become so damaging to the fake window-dressing that Rawat is trying to cover himself with that they just couldn't ignore it anymore. That's very hopeful sign. I never thought I would ever see the words "Arti" or "Darshan" mentioned on an Elan Vital offiial publication, but that fact that they are, even if the explanations about them are all transparent lies, is an important admission of a big problem on Rawat's hands.
Sorry you have been banished by your premie friends. I know the feeling. But I think we have to keep in mind that it's probably even more painful for them -- because merely talking to someone like you is just too, too confronting. Better to put heads back in sand and pretend everything is just okay. (I think this may also have a paralell among much of the American voting public, but that is another issue.