Guru Maharaj Ji / Prem Rawat ~ Holi, Miami 4/8/79
Re: Re: The World's Largest Water Pistol LOL -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

09/16/2004, 23:23:48
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That was a fun picture ~ now we need some of Prem Rawat's words to go with it. Sorry if the load time is long on this. I'm sizing them as small as possible and hopefully they are readable. But...I do need some kinda disclaimer for this attachment or something. How about this... Warning! Cult talk by Prem Rawat! Run for your mind! Ofcourse it's not funny but I do try.
Uploaded file
HOLIT1.JPG ( bytes)  

Modified by Hilltop at Fri, Sep 17, 2004, 00:42:50

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