The Ashrams , giving all your possessions and money to the living lord, working ridiculous hours for nothing etc is serious enough, but for me the most serious IS the damage to the Psyche.If you are offered the ultimate gift all wrapped up in a fancy box and once you get through all the layers and layers and layers all you eventually find is a pile of poo its not a very funny joke. Getting through those layers can take a long ,long time and a lot of harm is done.You go to all those meetings and programmes and you really try to make it work and to believe it. That kind of abuse takes a lot of undoing and that kind of abuse, the very worst kind, is still happening. It really is spiritual rape NOW as much as ever it was and when premies finally stumble out,bruised and dishevelled they need somewhere to go.
Please don't shut down f 8.
For some people reading lots of articles and stuff isn't the same as recent human contact and encouragement.