Re: The Agony and the Parody
Re: The Agony and the Parody -- emile Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
s3th ®

09/16/2004, 23:20:31
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

How low can you go?

These "satirical" websites show how sick, obesessed and fucking deranged you guys are.

Not only the poster, but those that congratulate you as well.

Cynthia: anything "clever" to say? John: what is the defence for this behaviour? Write that in Wikipedia: "Ex-premies spent their god given time to create multiple websites at geocities to spew their studpidity and hatred, while calling it satirical. Other morons, approve, laugh and applaude the imbecility of it all."

Absoultely pathetic.

Be brave MOD: keep it.

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