The boobs picture is useful (IMO)....
Re: Re: It can be shocking to see the doctored pix... -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nemesis ®

09/17/2004, 10:18:23
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Cynthia and Thorin -- I agree that the doctored pix can be upsetting. The first time I saw the boobs picture of Rawat, I was disgusted. As time went by I realized that I had reacted because of my feelings that anything to do with Rawat was "holy" and therefore this picture of him showing female boobs, was sacriligious. OVer time I have come to understand that I needed to strip away the spiritual overtones that surrounded Rawat, and I needed to take him off the pedestal - just leaving him and Knowledge wasn't enough - I needed to really pull out the reverence and respect by the roots -- and this picture helped me to see that.

The picture no longer offends me but I don't find it funny either. It is not even tasteful - after all, obesity is not something that I would normally laugh at. But it did serve a purpose for me - it made me see Rawat as a human being like anyone else, and subject to the same moral and ethical standards that we all are. That is how I can see his actions now as evil, whereas so many premies are able to still excuse anything he does - out of reverence and a sense of entitlement for him as "Master".

Yes, there are disgusting photos of Rawat posted on some of the websites - but these are nothing compared to what he has done to so many lives - and what the premies have done in retaliation to exes who have spoken out against Rawat. IMO - Rawat is fair game!

Modified by nemesis at Fri, Sep 17, 2004, 10:20:12

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