Reporter, why don't you answer my questions?
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10/05/2005, 03:40:31
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Reporter, here you are on our forum, and you refuse to answer my questions. Why are you being so evasive? What are you trying to hide?

I asked how much you paid for your tent at Ameroo, and how much you paid to get in. You just ranted on saying I was just jealous because I couldn't afford it, but you didn't tell me how much you paid. I estimated $1000 for a single tent and $500 to get in. You didn't contest that, so maybe you paid even more. Why don't you want to tell us.

I asked you if you believed Rawat was the Lord, and if you believed there was such a thing as a Perfect Master. You didn't answer those questions, other than say something vague, like, he's whatever you want him to be.

But I'm asking you what you believe reporter.

Anth, waiting for a straight answer.

Modified by AJW at Wed, Oct 05, 2005, 03:40:56

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