On the contrary
Re: A joke, eh? -- jonx Top of thread Forum
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10/08/2005, 18:18:59
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Actually, you are wrong, again. But then, you're probably getting used to that. My husband's life before we met was largely devoid of humor and fun, and he will tell you this. It was one of the first things that struck me. So somber, so serious all the time. I'm delighted to say he's getting over that. But, and in fact this caused me early concerns about rawat which I tried hard to ignore, none of the premies I met seemed to be really having that much fun in their lives. Oh, yeah, they had bliss, so they said. But, they weren't, and aren't, that happy. They don't laugh. They don't play. They don't just have fun. Mostly, they sit around and mope about how they can't wait for the next program. They seem to go through their lives in some sort of holding pattern, not able to, or not daring to, live until they can sit in front of rawat again. As if they only exist with his permission. But, then, he pretty much told them that, didn't he? At least, all those "And It Is Divine" articles he wrote sure read that way. And since his "message has been the same for 40 years", we must assume that all those writings are still true, is that not correct?

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