Re: Re: Jonx, you're brighter than that -- jonx Top of thread Forum
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10/06/2005, 20:25:25
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"I don't give a damn what Maharaji said about the subject. The only thing I care about is what I know. That is the only thing I want to "believe"."

And isn't that just the bloody truth? You want to believe, therefore, it is so. Read your own posts, jonx. You don't know or care what Rawat says. You "know". He could sit on stage and read the phone book and premies would all marvel at how 'wonderful Maharaji is'. Yours and reporter's and many other folks' attitude is, "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with facts." You've shut and locked the doors to your mind so firmly, no truth can get in there. How can you live like that?

Where do you live? I've got an old clunker of a car I'd love to unload. If I can convince you it's a Roll Royce, or, well almost, I could get you to buy it. You certainly bought Rawat's scam. So, where are you? Where is reporter? Send me an address and I'll see if I can get this clunker over there. I want you to "know" it's a great car. I want you to "believe" that. It's the "best" car in the world. It may well be the only car. I'm not saying it is, but it might be, you don't know for sure. You may never be offered another car in your life. All I have to do is make you want to "believe", too. When you believe, wham, I've got money!

So come one, give us an address. You won't even have to kiss my feet. Well, if you really want to, I suppose I could think about it. Maybe. I don't know yet. But, I might let you. So, keep hoping for it and maybe that will happen. But, I won't get up and dance. I mean, I'm way too shy for that. Yes, I know you want that, but no, I just won't do that. Well, maybe. Some day. I might. No, not right now. Maybe later. We'll see. Keep asking me. It might happen.

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