There you go again, and sooo many concepts, ohh dear
Re: Dunno... could be nature; could be nurture. -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
hamzen ®

10/10/2005, 05:09:28
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I really do think you've muddled up the experience with the concepts jonx. Mind you nothing that a little time in another group wouldn't put right if your ego could take it. Be better without a group, but I think you need a crutch for your spiritual practices, from what you've posted here.

As re 'little', funny the way you slip into these programmed to defend mode moments Just can't help yourself can you.
You just sooo can't imagine any non-premie as an equal, and in that you really do show your cult slip. You see I don't doubt that your experience is as valid as mine, in meditation, but for you that's a bridge too far.

What makes you think your experience is close to the potential anyway, the way you cling to the need for gm makes me seriously doubt it.
You really should be reading some zen stuff about attachment to buddah's and how they take you away from a deeper personal truth.

But there's something deeper here. You see it as knowledge, ie starts with gm, I see it as life, which existed a long time before gm, and that's a lot wider than practicing k, though satsang, service and meditation from the heart gets warmer.

As for why I walked, as usual your telepathy knows no bounds, really jonx don't you get embarrassed ever by how you misread people?

I left because of one thing and one thing only, I'd become certain he had no intention of spreading this k throughout all the lands, and that he was covering stuff over and denying his own responsibility for the mistakes. All the facts are now out, but then it was a tough call, but I decided even if he was a god in a bod he was off-key.

Re meditation, actually I feel more indebted to the premies who brought him over than I do to gm, if I was to feel indebted to anyone.
His techniques and approach at the time was bog standard radhasoami sect stuff in the area where he lived, where do you think shri hans knicked it all from, you can't be that naive. Maybe I should be thanking them

I know it's a bit hard for you to grasp, but actually my main inspiration for practising k and the experiences I had when I felt I was 'in the zone', was what turned up in my life.
When I saw him I didn't experience any difference in my meditation at all, if anything I found him confusing. Even in meditation listening to him was confusing because he regularly contradicted himself, so it was just back to my own inspiration.

But I don't think he is bringing k to people, duh, no-way is he the embodiment of godness for one thing, so I'd be introducing someone to a fraud for one, and a fraud with verrrry expensive tastes via expenses. But secondly he's a piss poor teacher, and does nothing to help his students reach beyond him without crutches, as any self respecting guru would. THAT experience for me is beyond all that crap

By the way, how do you know I'm not out there propagating?

And secondly if you were tuning into the online net station I'm running you'll realize that THE vibe is what it's all about.

But lastly I regularly introduce people to mixmaster morris' dj'ing, really he understands 'knowledge' AND life combined so much better than gm, I described him the other day as Heart fm on mushrooms, which sums it up really, total hearty stuff with total transcendence. Oh internationally known dj, who chats to the punters and is always open to feedback, sound different

Ah well, maybe one day jonx, you really will 'kill the buddah' on the road, really start 'smelling the coffee', and meditate without using it as a comfort blanket.

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