So exactly why am I a fool then?
Seriously Ham, I’m not in a position to tell you why you’re a fool. All I can tell you is what makes you look like a fool.
For starters, what makes you think your little experience is anything close to the potential of Knowledge? I don’t doubt for a second it was no better when you were a premie. It just tells me you decided at some point whatever you were experiencing was good enough and then you walked away. What makes you a fool is how far you think you had come, and that you hold your accomplishment up as some kind of example of having reached some heightened state of awareness… without the guru of course.
Second, whatever pleasure you have from practicing your meditation, was brought to you courtesy of Maharaji. He made it available, taught you, and reminded you time and again of its value. And here you are today giving no credit at all to him. Foolish!
And third, you participate in a public campaign to obstruct Maharaji from bringing something to people you claim has brought you benefit. You’re not out there showing people. Nobody else is as committed as he is. Nobody else is reaching the numbers he is. And still you participate in a campaign to deprive people of something you claim is beneficial for you.
So yes Ham, I can say you are a fool. Not sure how you got that way. That’s something you can sort out.
Hope it helped.