It is scary for premies to even consider
Re: Exactly -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
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10/07/2005, 07:55:49
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rawat is fake and that is normal, after all, rawat warned us to stay or else....

I have been thinking for a couple days about this, reading Reporters/Jonx's posts.  I am concerned with their mental health. I have read over the years participating in these forums the different experiences premies expressed here after leaving.  Some copped well and some didn't.  

The involvement of the premies in the cult varies.  Those who  surrendered themselves totally to Rawat can get mentally sick trying to brake away from the ties on their own.   A few, having realised Maharaji is fake began having very negative thoughts and thought Maharaji was talking to them through the television.

I am sure it is scary for premies to consider they have made a mistake trusting Maharaji and since as premies we receive so much negative warning from the master about leaving the cult, what are they thinking?  Are they doing okay?

I wonder if Reporter/Jonx could be able and willing to express and recognize their fears and talk openly about it.  For me, when finally accepted I was dupped I began to feel fear, a ugly physical feeling, very negative; a mental battle began between the "real reasoning me" and the devotee I had decided to leave behind.  Two very distinct voices.  I was a total devotee.... 24/7.

I had a hard time exiting.  Ex-premies helped me in those days talking with me on the phone and exchanging e-mails with me.  Their support was very helpful.

Maybe they post because they are considering Rawat is fake.  In the mean time, scattered words of kindness from our part toward them should be in place.  We really don't know the real motives why they post here or their state of mind. 

I do feel lots of compassion for a "hardcore" premie trying to leave.  It can be very frightening. 

I wished them the best. 

Modified by Henna at Fri, Oct 07, 2005, 07:57:18

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