Re: Jonx, you're brighter than that
Re: Re: Jonx, you're brighter than that -- songster Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

10/06/2005, 17:34:30
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If someone can demonstrate pretty conclusively that Maharaji said he is a "the" rather than an "a" would it then be okay still for you to maintain the "a" concept?

I don't give a damn what Maharaji said about the subject. The only thing I care about is what I know. That is the only thing I want to "believe". That said, if he were to say something I would take it seriously, because I have discovered that being open to what he says causes me to learn wonderful things. But at the end of the day, I respect what I know more than what someone is telling me, no matter who they are.

It gets me to thinking. Over the years there have been two kinds of premies: one who looks at themself in the mirror and says, "I am a premie because Maharajii is the Lord", and the other who says, "I am a premie because it feels good". The latter is happier and less easily confounded by all the stuff you guys labour over. The former confuses easily and I dare say is most likely to become an ex-premie. I suspect that is something he saw years ago, which prompted him to move away from all this Lord stuff and focus on the feeling. Of course as we all know, that move confused you guys even more.

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