Oi you guys! Leave Glen alone! He's my mate!!
Re: The Sayings of Glen Whittaker -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Anna ®

04/16/2005, 18:43:56
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Sorry guys, but he is a good friend of mine, and whatever you say (and I won't even begin to try and argue with all your various points) he is still, and always will be, a valued friend of mine. Are you all so perfect? I'm sure when you all have been criticised in the past by your friends, or exes, you would have thought that the other person just didn't "get it". May be you just don't "get" Glen. You are not inside his head, and you do not know his feelings and thought processes.

Whatever you may say, I know that Glen's heart is sincere. And that's what counts. Ok, I don't "get" how he is still a devotee, given all the info on EPO (as Mike Finch pointed out below). I still try and work out how anyone could possibly continue as a premie, like he does, once they have read EPO. But he does, and that's his choice, and it's not my place to judge him on that. Or any other premie for that matter. And I don't even want to get into an argument with him about it.

Sometimes I think it's like a divorce situation. You can talk to the wife, hear her story, understand it completely, and know that she is right. Then you talk to the husband, understand his story completely, and know that he is right. Fact is, they are both right - they are just seeing things in a different way. It's not about taking sides.

May be Glen thinks that EPO and F8 are some huge test of his devotion to M. Who knows. Whatever he has done in the past, it was never an intention on his part to be percieved the way you have described in the thread below. He is just like we are. A man (ok, woman in my case), living his life, doing his best with what he knows, and trying to do it right. May be he gets wrong sometimes, like you might do too. Or may be, the way he is perceived is wrong sometimes. But you don't know him. So back off!!

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