You like Glen, so what?
Re: Oi you guys! Leave Glen alone! He's my mate!! -- Anna Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

04/17/2005, 17:16:08
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It's okay to be a friend of anybody you want to be.  And that Glen might be "sincere" (which I think probably only Glen really knows), that doesn't detract from the fact that he has done some pretty dishonest things.  That doesn't mean HE thinks it's dishonest, but they still are.   

Most premies just hold on to their beliefs, sincere or not, and go on.  Also, if a premie says they are having a wonderful "esperience" with knowledge, I don't argue with that, and I couldnt' anyway, because it's just subjective.

Glen, on the other hand, also seems to engage in public lying in order to support his Lord. That's just not okay, because it's my history just as much as it is Glen's and I for one don't think he should get away with it, no matter how many friends he has, or how "nice" or "sincere" he might be.  We know what the history actually was, so when Glen lies about it, that is something you really can argue with, because it's based on objective reality, not an "experience."

So, I don't see anything in your post that changes my opinion.  None of us likes to see our friends put in a bad light, so I can understand how you feel.

Modified by Joe at Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 17:21:27

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