Oh, balderdash!...
Re: Re: Furthermore, Anna -- if you're really Glen's friend, act like one -- AJW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

04/19/2005, 18:08:30
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Hi Anth,

Isn't there an important and basic aspect of human behaviour and relationships here, Friends and neighbors and colleagues often have massive disagreements in opinion. This could be political, religious or whatever.

We're not talking about disagreements, we're talking about cult apologia and premies who lie on behalf of Captain Rawat.  They know they are lying  and I just don't believe that they don't know, especially people like Whittaker and other PAMs. 

I'm curious about what you'd feel or think about someone who objected to criticism here of Randy Prouty or Judy Osborne, based on being a friend of theirs.  Lies are lies.  Where's the limit?  When does lying become okay?

Some people learn to lie with a smile on their face.  In my life experience, those people are difficult to accept as real friend, and almost impossible to accept as colleagues or acquaintances, too.  Maybe I'm being too absolutist in my thinking but I've had it with liars.   

I was never an inner circle premie or a PAM, but at DECA so many of us lied on demand.  Those lies just rolled off our tongues and we knew when we were lying.  No question about it.  All for the Captain.  I would expect anyone at the time who looked at me as a liar to dismiss me as a friend (in retrospect).  But, I probably wouldn't have cared if a friend rejected me at the time because my primary focus was always on Maharaji and surrendering everything to him.  So, ultimately I didn't care about friends anyway, not when I was a true-believing premie.  Friend???   My only friend was Maharaji! 

Lying on demand like that is inexcusable behavior, premie or politican or priest or Joe-Blow.

Btw, I don't know what "trouble" you're talking about, but you're okay by me...

I hope you and yours are well,


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