Re: The Sayings of Glen Whittaker
Re: The Sayings of Glen Whittaker -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

04/18/2005, 13:30:09
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The way I feel about PAMs (Premies Around Maharaji) and instructors is that because they have held so much more power, control, and influence than ordinary premies, over other premies, they have even more responsibility to tell the truth.  When they become exes, I also think they have responsibility to say something publicly.  We're talking about a cult here, not Sunday school teachers.  And why not?  Everyone else in the real world is held accountable for when they lie and decieve great numbers of people!  Premies don't get an extra pass just because they are in a cult.

Also, any PAMs or other inner circle premies who are still speaking on behalf of Prem Rawat are indeed more accountable for what they say and do, especially when they revise our history and also lie.  There are simply no excuses for the lies they tell, such as Glen Whittaker's.  No ordinary premie would have been quoted in the book I mentioned earlier, The New Believers, by David V. Barrett, as Glen was, and no ordinary premies (in fact, only PAMs) were asked to appeared in the Passages video. Ony the "special" premies were involved -- the same ones who have always had more influence and decision-making power over premies' lives. It puts them in a whole different category, IMO.

Plus, whenever PAMs and/or instructors toured the premie communities for whatever reasons -- fundraising, knowledge reviews, knowledge selections (which have been times of huge influence over aspirants and premies), and knowledge sessions -- those events were always billed as "very special events" and even more premies and aspirants attended satsang or community meetings to hear them speak.   It's not an issue of whether or not Glen Whittaker or Joan Apter, or anyone else were also subjected to the same mind control or persuasion as the rest of the premie population, or even if they are still true-believers or gopis.  They probably were and are, but that's not the point and it's still no excuse for lying.  PAMs have to be scrutinized more than "rank and file" premies, without question.  It's not a personal thing, either, it's just the fact of life about cults, cult leaders, and the people who are the closest to the leader. 

Modified by Cynthia at Mon, Apr 18, 2005, 13:37:22

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