With all due respect, Anth.
Re: Re: You like Glen, so what? -- AJW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

04/19/2005, 15:48:39
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Isn't it best to take people as you find them, and make your own judgement about them, rather than label them and judge them that way?

Sure, but a lie is a lie, right?  And even then, I wouldn't care, except that the re-writing of history can affect other people. 

I've tried not to judge Glen or anyhone else, but rather just object to what they have said.  Of course, it's hard to say that someone uttered a lie, or allowed their words to be used in promoting a lie, without implying that he or she is a liar, or is dishonest, or lacks the courage to tell the truth.  And I acknowledge the cult mindset that can allow that, because I lived with it myself.

But really, Anth, should I not object to Bush lying about WMDs, because I should just "take the person as I find him, rather than label them."..?  I don't think so.

BTW -- I have a few anarchist friends and I am always confronted by them, and get frustrated with them because I want to see them commit to, and believe in, something.  With those people, it's always what they don't believe in.

Modified by Joe at Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 15:51:52

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