To Gok, is this a fair summary of your position?
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11/02/2004, 03:38:38
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I want to try to summarise your position on Rawat's status, and issues arising. I would be grateful if you could read this and let me know if it accurate.

The person called Prem Rawat is not the omnscient, omnipresent being that we refer to as God. He is however, a human being with a very special status that has previously been applied to Jesus Christ and Gautama the Buddha. Consequently, he is worthy of being called 'The Lord' by those who recognise that status. Prem Rawat, Elan Vital, and most followers of Rawat, do not publicly claim this status for Rawat, but allow his followers to discover this for themselves in their own time. By not publicly declaring their belief in Rawat's exalted status, Prem Rawat, Elan Vital and premies are not lying, but they are being evasive for a noble purpose. This purpose is to prevent newcomers to Rawat's message misunderstanding Rawat and his message because they have an incorrect pre-conceived idea of what the Christ and the Buddha are.

Is this a fair statement of your position?

I would also like to ask you if you think Elan Vital are lying when they state in 2004 that is safely out of reach of the law, when in 2003 they unsuccessfully took legal action against (which is located in Colorado BTW!). I can give you more details if you wish.


Modified by JHB at Tue, Nov 02, 2004, 03:40:30

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