Here's my guess at GOK's motives
Re: Is that a serious question? -- Bunny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

11/04/2004, 15:26:30
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this is only a guess, maybe wrong, maybe not, but GOK's persistence in posting here is unusual for a premie.

GOK is either:

1. a wavering premie.

2. a former premie who has, to all intents and purposes, exed, but still has some pro-Knowledge/Rawat POVs he hasn't been able to resolve yet.

3. a spokesperson for a conglomerate of EV supporters who are looking to suss out (now there's a phrase you don't hear too often) weaknesses in the ex-premie arguments.

4. none of these. (hey, there's credibility involved here, OK?)

5. GOK is Deputy Dog trying to remember where that bone he buried was.

Modified by cq at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 15:27:32

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