What does that mean - "realised" it?
Re: Re: Maharaji had received K when a child and realised it about 24 hours later. -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Neville B ®

11/04/2004, 18:53:31
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It was probably taken to mean that you no longer experienced the ongoing sense of dissatisfaction that life as a premie bequeathed. Given that behind the glued-on blissed-out smile, life as a premie was generally pretty horrible, "realising" knowledge must have been quite a draw.

M taught it--definitely. He claimed he had realised knowledge, and has now apparently changed his mind, so I guess we can chalk that up as another convenient lie.

He has clearly lied about a great number of things, GOK. I doubt he was in any way the source of whatever help you received, but even if he did have some sinister, occult hand in it you don't need him now and you ought get out of his orbit.

Neville B

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