Perhaps ~ I think your a conman just like Prem Rawat...
Re: Re: "she" -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

11/03/2004, 22:57:38
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Who do you work for? God only knows. Seriously? It doesn't matter how many times you post on F8 (although I'm more than tired of your satsang)it doesn't change the fact that Prem Rawat was and is the leader of a nasty mind abusing cult. Just like Rawat's scam you talk in circles that go no where. Except for your so called nice premie act that you are selling, your agenda of setting things right here on F8 about Prem Rawat (according to your insights) is somewhat pathetic and disgusting to me.

Question to self ~ Why do I bother reading Gok's cultivating posts? Only because others here have something worthwhile to say and they have tried to help you. But your on a mission to pervert the real truth and twist it into something else.

You are so persistent and smart about certain things you want to say here but then you can become totally ignorant about other things, if it is your best interest to do so. Right? To me reading your posts is little or no different than reading the articles in Wikipedia about Prem Rawat & his organization, ect.

Your either a very sneaky little troll or just a very mindwashed premie, maybe both. Ofcourse this is just my opinion.

Perhapsly, Hilltop

Modified by Hilltop at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 00:01:28

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