Re: "lying by omission"
Re: GOK thinks lying by omission is okay... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/02/2004, 21:45:46
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"Lying by omission", as you call it, is not lying, or at least not necessarily lying.

For example - and I am sure other people will think of much better examples (and I am sure I will think of much better examples too, sometime later) - if a man wanted to buy his wife a necklace AND a weekend in Paris for Valentine's Day - and he wanted the weekend in Paris to be a surprise which he would tell her about on Valentine's Day; and a few weeks before Valentine's Day his wife asks him "What are you getting me for Valentine's Day? And he says "A necklace." And he doesn't mention the weekend in Paris as well, at that particular time. He omits to tell her. Is that lying? According to you Cynthia that IS lying, and lying is something very very bad!

(Please note everyone: the "weekend in Paris" is only an EXAMPLE of a present a man might buy his wife. It could as well be some other present. I don't want to hear any arguments about a "weekend in Paris"!!!)

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