To paraphrase JHB
Re: To Gok, is this a fair summary of your position? -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nemesis ®

11/02/2004, 09:01:59
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No, no - it is more like this...

The person called Prem Rawat is the omniscient, omnipresent being that we refer to as God but we are not allowed to say this, so we just call him a human being with a very special status that has previously been applied to Jesus Christ and Gautama the Buddha.

Consequently, we can call him 'The Lord' by this definition if we are one of the "inner circle" who recognises that status.

Prem Rawat, Elan Vital, and most followers of Rawat, do not publicly claim this status for Rawat, because it would scare a lot of people away. By not publicly declaring their belief in Rawat's exalted status, Prem Rawat, Elan Vital and premies are able to suck in more unwitting followers to help support Rawat financially.

This purpose is to prevent newcomers to Rawat's message from getting away before they have been sufficiently braiwashed into believing that Rawat is a reincarnation of the Christ and the Buddha. Otherwise they might not donate their money to Rawat for his obnoxious lifestyle!

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