Well, yes you did say that...(Amended)
Re: Re: " you said that it's quite okay for EV to lie on behalf of Prem Rawat" -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

11/04/2004, 06:11:59
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Alert Moderators

I would respectfully suggest, GOK, that you please stop being so bossy on a forum where you are a guest.  You're not the first premie to ever post on the ex-premie forum -- there have been many before you -- so I'd also like to point out to you that it's not me who is confused here.

You indeed said that it's okay for premies to to lie by omission on the EV sites.  Your reasoning was faulty, that's probably why you don't remember it, plus, you've been giving an inordinate amount of 'satsang' here.   That's why I don't feel obligated to supply you with a "cut and paste" of your writing on this forum. 

So, between your efforts to obfuscate the arguments here with 'satsang,' and your weak efforts at using correct and logical argument, you're now coming back with one-liners, like "You're very confused."

Yes, I understand you didn't say those exact words as titled in your post.  (Sigh)  I'd like to remind you that the people who post here have been on both sides of the cultic fence. 

Please show some respect to the people who have given you a lot of time here.




Modified by Cynthia at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 10:47:49

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