One part of being a 'realised' soul (which I certainly don't claim to be) is probably the dawning awareness that there is no such thing as a 'realised' being, one who lives in perpetual God consciousness divorced from all normal thought processes and detached from the ups and downs of human life.Any attempts to transcend human thought and mind activity are futile, and can potentially cause psychological suffering.
What we can influence, however, is the quality of thought which we have.
I believe we can tap into the love inside of us through meditation (if we happen to like and find something in this), or whatever other form of (benevolent) stimulus might do this for us. (Some people might substitute the word peace or contentment for love in the last sentence).
Another good or complementary way is to live a life dedicated to loving other humans and the world around us. Not in soppy ways like kissing plants, or forcing our slobbering sympathies on people whether this is wanted or not.
No, rather an attitude of good will towards each other, as fellow humans, (or maybe by the feeling that we are all eventually connected and one, but this is an optional added thought).
And by actually giving towards others through communal or individual acts, without trying to be a do-gooder or being creepy.
Loving those around you, friends and family, and having good will towards others is probably a great deal better and healthier and personally rewarding for you than sitting endless hours in meditation hoping for the mega-breakthrough that will never come.
Living in a way which is harmonious to us and non-extreme seems best.
I just do some meditation every day because I enjoy it, then up and off into the world outside, to interact with others, or to wallow in alcohol, which I am about to do now.
And frankly, if (too much?) meditation started making me feel weird or depressive or anything of that nature, I would severely curtail it, or drop it altogether.