I have a theory about GOK's new-found frivolity
Re: You're very frivolous tonight Gok....... -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

11/03/2004, 17:53:48
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I think GOK crossed a line the other day when she argued:

Note that this sentence [in EV's FAQ about why Rawat was called the Lord] states that 'The use of this title...does not imply any claims that the person is holy...'. It does NOT state that the person in question is NOT 'holy'.

or when she said that:

Secondly, I wouldn't say that EV "does indeed discourage that kind of thinking[i.e. that Rawat is the Lord] " - I'd say EV discourages that kind of assertion, discourages that kind of stating in public, discourages people saying things which they do not KNOW to be true (note the word "KNOW"), discourages people from putting labels on Maharaji which may be unhelpful to other people (such as new people coming to Knowledge).

Although she initially promised she wasn't going to "call black white" or waste our time "splitting hairs", when she was confronted with undeniable evidence that EV's lying, she chose to abandon all principles and just run as much interference as she can.  She might have started posting here with some sincerity but, when push came to shove and she was cornered by the facts, she took the coward's way out.  So now, as a coward and liar, she's walking a different beat.  Really, I get the impression that after lying as she has, she's kind of giddy with the excitement of someone who's committed a petty crime and thinks they've gotten away with it.  Any further efforts to seek out a straight answer from her would be a complete waste of time.

Modified by Jim at Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 17:54:13

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