Very well put, John....
Re: To Gok, is this a fair summary of your position? -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nigel ®

11/02/2004, 16:53:33
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

Especially: not publicly claim this status for Rawat, but allow his followers to discover this for themselves in their own time.

Better still, substitute 'require' for 'allow', and you have the perfect summary of the 'Knowledge' selection criteria.  Today's young hopefuls may not have to go full stretch and chew the carpet before the Holy, photo-bedecked altar (someone's front-room, melamine chipboard unit decked in a white tablecloth), but they still have to surrender the reins of their brains...



Modified by nigel at Tue, Nov 02, 2004, 17:05:33

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