Is that a serious question?
Re: Re: Maharaji had received K when a child and realised it about 24 hours later. -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Bunny ®

11/03/2004, 16:05:53
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Alert Moderators

You were around in the seventies so I cannot imagine that you are not familiar with the concept - very popular at the time - of realising knowledge. Just in case you are serious and missed several episodes, it meant that you had become enlightened.

GOK - many posters have taken great trouble to respond to your posts and for the most part you have treated people with courteousy and respect. I certainly considered you to be honest and sincere. However, sometimes recently you have appeared to be both slippery and pedantic. For example, why are you quoting the bible here?

I know that the vast majority of the exes that post here are both sincere and do so to give support to premies still locked into a disfunctional belief system and cult. If you are convinced we are wrong - please don't play games - go and meditate or listen to a video or something. We have wasted enough years on this charade thanks.

BTW, why are you posting here? How would you describe your key motives?


Modified by Bunny at Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 16:17:17

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