Hi, I'm a premie, I'm new to this board
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

10/04/2004, 12:12:56
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Hi to all premies, ex-premies, and non-premies. It has been suggested that I should introduce myself, as I am now doing.

Hopefully everyone on this board will try to "be courteous (especially in disagreement), stay on topic, do not make threats, do not post personal attacks" etc., and I will try to do, and be, the same. I am used to living in a pluralist environment, and just because someone may have very different opinions, beliefs and experiences from what I have, does not mean that I don't like or respect that person. There are some premies I know whom I like better than some ex-premies I know, and there are some ex-premies I know whom I like better than some premies I know. Respect and sincerity are virtues I greatly value, and I hope that most people on this board can display these qualities most of the time. I also greatly value accuracy, which I am sure I will have more to say about sometime later. And one more thing I greatly value is - a sense of humour.

I naturally enough don't really want to use my real name on this board, not even just my first name, and anyway I have already noticed that there is someone else already on this board with a name which is the same as my real first name. So, for want of a better username, I have chosen "godonlyknows", which comes from the great Brian Wilson/Beach Boys song "God Only Knows". Feel free to shorten my username to anything you wish, such as godo, or gok, or whatever (as long as you make it clear whom you are referring to).

One more thing: I am just an "ordinary" premie, I am not connected to any official organisation, nor any organising group whatsoever, in relation to Maharaji. I have come here entirely off my own bat, on a whim, and I am not a spokesperson for anyone but myself. I don't know if I needed to say that, but I've said it anyway.

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