Re: he never had any special powers
Re: Re: he never had any special powers -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

10/08/2004, 11:53:35
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I think I understand what you are saying Cynthia. I will try to explain what I meant a little more clearly.

I wasn't suggesting that being deceitful could ever be acceptable. To me Maharaji is definitely not deceitful, but I respect your opinion that you THINK he is deceitful, and rather than arguing with you that Maharaji is not deceitful, I was saying that even if you think he is deceitful, at the very least he reminds people (including you) that there is a power within (put your own label on it), and I think it's good that he reminds people about that, because so much in the world leads us to forget about that.

So if you don't like Maharaji, the important thing for you is to be nevertheless aware that there is a power within, a guiding light within, a power of love within, and maybe you might consider another way of getting in touch with it (maybe you are already doing that).

I know I definitely need to be reminded about that power within, and inspired to get in touch with it. Maharaji is the person who reminds me and inspires me the most, and inspires ME (maybe not you) the best, but he is not the only person who reminds me and inspires me. There are people who have never even heard of Maharaji who sometimes remind me and inspire me to look within myself, to get in touch with that power within.

So if you don't like Maharaji, forget about Maharaji, but don't forget about that power within YOU - if you believe in something like that.

That's what I was trying to say.

I understand also, at least I think I do, what you say about:

"Maharaji never "showed" me anything. He wasn't in my K session room. Was he in yours physically, and if not, can you explain how you got K through a Mahatma or Instructor?"

I received knowledge via a Mahatma. It was a Mahatma who "showed" me the techniques, and explained a little about them, etc., in the K session. But it was due to Maharaji that I received K. And it was he who sent and instructed the Mahatmas to give K to people such as me. So someone "showed" me how to look within myself and experiece what Maharaji talks about, and I give credit to Maharaji for this, not to the Mahatma. So that's why I said Maharaji "has the ability to show you and remind you of the power within you" - I don't want to be pedantic about it. Maharaji shows you, teaches you - via a Mahatma, Instructor, or himself on video - a way of focusing within. If that was the end of the story, then you might as well read about how to practice the techniques from books (as I'm sure you know, there are books which explain very similar techniques, as well as other teachers who explain similar techniques), but the K session is only the beginning of the story. It's the PRACTICE of Knowledge - under Maharaji's guidance - which is the important thing. Maybe some people can practice Knowledge, or something similar, on their own, but personally I have found that I need Maharaji to inspire me and guide me all along the way. And he does this extremely well, as far as I am concerned. If Maharaji had never existed, or had lived in relative obscurity all his life in India, first of all I don't think I would ever have discovered anything like Knowledge, and secondly, even if I had, I don't think I could have been inspired to continue practicing it. It's fine when everything is going well, but when the going gets tough, I definitely need Maharaji's guidance and inspiration. To me Maharaji is the wisest person I know, by far. I sometimes think, then who is the second wisest person I know? And whoever I can think of comes nowhere close to Maharaji - IN MY OPINION, IN MY EXPERIENCE. I understand that others will see things differently. But I'm just explaining what I meant when I said "Maharaji has the ability to show you and remind you of the power within you." Maybe there are others who have a similar ability, but Maharaji definitely has that ability, and it's to him I give the credit (not some Mahatma whose name I cannot even remember), Maharaji has this ability to show me and remind me and inspire me (and many others) to look within - and I regard that as a very special powerful positive ability.

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