The ashram cash cows.....
Re: Re: Bearing the cost...... -- jellydonut Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/03/2005, 16:16:15
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Oy, the premies who worked and made lots of money and the ones who couldn't get it together to work, or had "hypoglycemia" or some other undiagnosible condition, that made it impossible to work. 

Then, there was all the EV "staff" who did nothing but had to be supported, followed by the Initiators, including people like Anne Johnston and some of the others, who had to have these expensive wardrobes, tons of herbs and expensive foods, and spent all day making long-distance phone calls.

I went back and forth from feeling like I was really doing "service" to being mildly resentful because I made a relatively large income as an ashram premie.

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