Re: the posts here
Re: Re: the posts here -- protoss Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

12/25/2023, 11:48:54
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As Karen indicated, you are certainly welcome here and I can't see how you may have in any way offended anyone. Certainly not me.

"you are right that knowledge is a cult for a lot of people, but for sincere and people with courage it is not"

As difficult as this is to say, that statement is a good example of how people trapped in cults often think about it. Such a person can't accept that it's a cult because doing so would place them in a horrible predicament. It takes tremendous courage for such a person accept that they're in a cult because they, of all people, as intelligent, sincere, courageous and good as they are - after investing decades of their life - might be wrong about the most basic and important thing in their life, perhaps their hightst priority even. Consequently, they'll go to great lengths to justify and rationalize their involvement.

It was devastating for me to come to terms with it. It took more sincerity, courage, soul searching and gut-wrenching honesty with myself than anything else I've ever dealt with. The question becomes what does it take to push one over the edge enough to sit down and really face it?

For me, there were many things, a few of which I mentioned in my earlier post. One of the biggest things, however, happened to be exactly what you said: "but for sincere and people with courage it is not." That's exactly how I approached it. When the going got a little bumpy, I doubled down with even more sincerity, even more courage, even more effort, even more internal dialog with Prem Rawat, even more of everything associated with being a good premie, devotee or person with Knowledge. I did everything Prem Rawat guided or taught me to do sincerely from my heart with courage, commitment and... devotion.

As 13 said: "a bit more courage and sincerity, and you'll I'll be fine."

But I wasn't. In fact, being responsibly steeped in the real world in the middle of a demanding career, it made matters worse. Why isn't this working? Why am I not on an even keel? Why am I on an even more intense roller coaster of feelings, emotions and yes, experience? And my so-called experience was so darned personal, private and isolating that it wasn't doing me or anyone else much practical good. I couldn't even talk about it with anyone! Frankly, after thirty-six years of that, I had to accept that there was no end in sight; no realization or even a lasting, grounded stability. It was only after I was able to break free from "leave no room for doubt" that I was able to be honest (and objective) with myself. 

What mostly concerns me is your apparent willingness to, as (once again) 13 put it: "just go with the feeling you get when you hear him speak, and ignore the tons of evidence here and on other sites describing what Prem Rawat is really like when he is off stage." Add to that your apparent reluctance to answer Susan's question: a fake what?

What do you think of - or how do you feel about - the tons of evidence describing what Prem Rawat is really like when he is off the stage? And I'll add this: is your experience worth overlooking all that and giving Prem Rawat a free pass in exchange for it? Are you willing to contemplate what that might say about a person willing to make such a trade?

It's a horrible predicament and again, my heart goes out to anyone caught-up in it. You may perceive these posts as negative, but the posters here were the only people with enough heart and courage to help me and many others through it.

Few things in my life required more sincerity, courage and honesty than leaving this cult and I'm a better person for it.

None of this is easy.

Be well and thank you for being here!

Modified by lakeshore at Mon, Dec 25, 2023, 12:02:56

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