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Re: Re: An innocent moth into a toxic flame -- Aquinas Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

12/30/2023, 08:46:09
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I can relate so much to everything you said. It seems like a remarkably parallel path to mine:

"My life was basically derailed by prem and his lies and I never got it back on track again in the way that I would have wanted to. I did manage to accomplish a lot of things after exiting, but I know that my inner life was deeply affected by his lies and betrayal. I have reached a place of peace now..."

It's painful and heartwarming at the same time. I live with the wounds caused by that derailment every day, but I wouldn't trade the solidity? of the peace I somehow managed to construct by distilling it all. It was a horrible round-about way to get there. Almost like using Prem Rawat, Knowledge and that sorry-ass cult as a benchmark for everything peace is not!

In 1979 when I was a community coordinator in a city about forty minutes from where we live, I remember plotting introductory outreach programs in the area we now live. Now I play golf and socialize with dozens of the very people we were targeting. They inspire me as salt-of-the-earth people who lived genuine, unfettered, dignified and hard-working lives. They have no idea how much respecct I have for them. They also have no idea how hard it is for me to pretend that I lived the same way (or hide that I didn't). It has a way of amplifying those wounds when I'm around them.

What a naive, blinkered fool I was to fervently believe they needed to be saved!

You also reminded me of the many times I said to Flying Solo that "I'd be happy all the time if it weren't for other people!" 

Thank you for such thoughtful, moving and reflective posts.

Modified by lakeshore at Sat, Dec 30, 2023, 08:51:09

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