Good Luck and Warmest Wishes! (but I'm a bit Jealous)
Re: hi -- max Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

09/17/2004, 08:54:29
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Like Sandford I was just a rank and file premie who only started posting a week ago. But really ( apart from the security point of view) our degree of importance in the premie world is irrelevant because the amount of pain we experience when we do walk away is the same. We all sincerely made those promises, we all held so much hope and we all clung on for far too long !

I'm taking the time to read all kinds of useful info. on EPO and also I've looked at some of the DLM old stuff as this seems to help me reprocess and reboot my head. Mike Finch's site is interesting .( He " chose" me for Knowledge !)

Also, quite a few threads down,now on this site Mick posted some helpful advice  ( at my request )some of which I found useful , about Recovery.

Actually I'm a little bit jealous ,cos nobody made this much fuss of me when I first came, terrified into this forum ! XXX

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