Re: Jealousy and Making a Fuss
Re: Jealousy and Making a Fuss -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

09/17/2004, 11:20:36
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True, my first posts were rubbish. I must have deleted one of them by accident because they did actually make sense to begin with.. I wasn't used to using the site, didn't know anyone, didn,t know what had gone before.... and yes I truly quaked ( I said quaked not quacked ) when I received a reply from Guru Maharaji with that 666 doctored photo . Soon got over it,though.

Angerman called me a " Whacko ex-premie " , Sandford said " What are you talking about, Lexy... " and then well- I started to feel like one of the family!

Anyway here I still am. Thankyou  Cynthia and Nemesis for your welcomes and everyone for everything.

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