I know Lexy - I picked her for Knowledge
Re: Yes, exactly exactly -- gerry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

09/17/2004, 17:38:58
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Hi Gerry

I know Lexy and can vouch that she is indeed sincere - hell, I picked her for Knowledge back in 1973, so I obviously know what I am talking about (ha!). I asked her if she would cut off her arm to get K, and she said yes, so I know she is sincere!

She was lucky, most people I asked to jump out of the window if they wanted K (3 storeys up, from the Palace of Peace in London). I had a few strong-arm guys stationed by the windows to stop those who actually tried to (quite a few did).

Oh yes, those were the glory days, nostalgia rules!

-- Mike

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