To Hilltop and Bunny - Humour/humor and therapy
Re: Re: Humour and therapy -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

09/18/2004, 12:15:08
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Hi Hilltop

I think Bunny is right - I at least cannot look back at my time in the cult without finding some humor/humour in it, or at least being a little humorous about it.

I express my humo(u)r in a typically British self-deprecating way. The irony is that not so long ago I would have used those same phrases and meant them seriously. For me, it is a measure of how much I have shaken the cult from my bones when I can say those things in a spirit of total sarcasm and British-style cynicism.

Take care - coffee is a wonderful thing, although naturally for me it is tea that serves the same function!

-- Mike

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