Re: Sniff, sniff... Fee Fii Fo Fum I smell the cognac breath of PREMIEdum
Re: Sniff, sniff... Fee Fii Fo Fum I smell the cognac breath of PREMIEdum -- gerry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

09/17/2004, 15:49:02
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Alert Moderators

So !  Is that a crime ? I didn't know it was a troll place and what exactly are Trolls ?

I don't think anybody there ( and there weren't many ) replied to my post ( which was complimentary to F8 and I haven't been back to see).

Sorry, you see I don't even know what's politically correct behaviour ! So what!

 Actually if I were a true spy I would come like Max ( sorry Max ) and say I had been an important premie and have everyone falling over themselves to welcome me. 

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