Jealousy and Making a Fuss
Re: Good Luck and Warmest Wishes! (but I'm a bit Jealous) -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
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09/17/2004, 09:09:05
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I made a little fuss when you first posted!

Actually, the reason probably was that your first post wasn't so clear. You wrote:-

New Visitor. Rather Shy.

this is my first post.Going to bed now, you will be hearing from me all seems a bit heavy and deep at the moment.i will drift in and out until i feel at home.enjoy your breakfast!

And your second post was even less clear:-

This is silly. I'll ring you later and ask you myself.This is fun,isn't it? (nt)

I think people here were waiting to hear a little more, and then once it was clear you were sincere, then it seemed like you were already an old friend!

Anyway, welcome again!


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