Hey Max-
I left about 3-4 years ago, after almost 30 years as a way too loyal premie...not high up in EV, but certainly saw and did a lot and was a devout though sometimes cynical premie all that time....
When I first saw epo, I thought it was someting akin to "premie pornography", as I realized I had never saw or heard one thing critical of prem rawat in almost 30 years that made sense...however, this stuff did...and I knew needed to be there, reading it...
And the forum, after reading some fascinating and illuminating accounts, was something I knew I needed to participate in, to get certain things out to process, but it was scary to actually submit something the first time or two....then it became a wonderful adventure in which I learned so much about myself and my involvement with rawat and the premie culture....
So, I just wanted to welcome you here...there is a lot of support and friendship here, if you want it....and certainly a huge amount of previous posting which is quite revealing and amazing....
Take your time, be true to yourself....waking up from rawats spell is truly liberating, illuminating and empowering.....welcome home, not to epo, but to your own freedom....maybe the forum can help a bit with it....