Let me explain this in simple language
Re: Re: You actually read the affidavit before signing it? -- Tom Gubler Top of thread Forum
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07/02/2005, 03:27:35
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The difference between a cult member and a person with religious beliefs is that a cult member usually has a cult leader. The cult leader directs the beliefs of the cult member. The cult member is incapable of questioning the cult leader, so the cult member accepts and rationalises any changes.

Does this answer the question you asked John?

Regarding the affidavit, I don't appreciate that you think it OK to lie for self benefit, and I strongly disagree with your generalisation that 'people continually lie for their self benefit'. I don't and I am unaware that my family, friends and colleagues do. If many of them were 'continually' lying, I reckon I would have found out by now. The affidavit you signed says this:-

A number of disgruntled former students of Maharaji have formed a group to vent their dissatisfaction with Maharaji's teachings. These people are known colloquially as "Ex-premies". The Ex-premies' stated purpose is to maintain an active campaign against Prem Rawat and to dissuade people from following his teachings.

The Ex-Premie website and chatroom serve as information centres for Ex-premies to coordinate plans to obstruct the ability of Maharaji's students to practice Knowledge, to foster illwill and negative publicity by disseminating defamatory statements about Maharaji and his students, and to interfere with Premies' rights to express to the public their experience of Knowledge. The website and chatroom contain hundreds of pages of obsessively negative statements about Maharaji and his students. They also now contain pages and extracts from documents that have surreptitiously been obtained from Elan Vital.

The Ex-Premie website is maintained by John H. Brauns, who resides in Latvia and the United Kingdom.

I am the only person other than Macgregor mentioned by name in the affidavit, and yet I have not seen a public or private apology from you for this defamation. Instead, all I get is that people continually lie for their self benefit, so it's OK.

I really think you need to examine your idea of right and wrong.


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