Re: You actually read the affidavit before signing it?
Re: You actually read the affidavit before signing it? -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Tom Gubler ®

07/01/2005, 18:05:20
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I've dealt with much of this in the reply to Joe.

Yes I guess it is perjury but luckily the only people who will charge me with that crime are the premies and as they believe the stuff is true they are, hopefully, unlikely to charge me with it. That would be interesting, both John and I going up for perjury for completely different reasons. It is possible for you to start a private prosecution of me here in Queensland if you wish but it takes a lot of money.

I have absolutely dealt with my cult membership. I immersed myself for many years studying cults, modern and historical, learning where I was vulnerable and basically growing up as much as I can. However as I was married to an EV member I left the public criticism to people without family ties. It was after all 25 years ago.

I have no need to read the extracts, I have read the book and many others. I understand the theories though I believe they are too narrow. I wanted to talk to someone who had lived the life. First I contacted the people at one-reality as they were premies who were prepared to discuss Knowledge and whom I obviously couldn't offend. Their answers were deeply unsatisfactory and so I thought I'd try John who had left the cult recently enough to have gone through it all and was also smart as an added bonus.

Of course my wife is a member of a cult, I have never denied that. Of course premies have been indoctrinated with 30 years of satsang and the reinforcement of other premies but that is not inconsistent with premies being normal people with a religious belief in Prem Rawat and no special experience. What do you think religious belief and faith are and how do you think people come to them?

The act was not bizarre. People continually lie for their self benefit, it is completely normal behaviour. Luckily for me I have not had to do it all that much in my comfortable life and that's possibly why I wasn't very good at it.

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