Re: With all due respect, Tom .........
Re: With all due respect, Tom ......... -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nya ®

07/03/2005, 02:04:03
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Honestly, in my eyes Tom is a man of great integrity. Part of his code is about his behaviour towards his wife, and that caused him to sign those ridiculous allegations.

He really did have no idea, in my honest opinion, that anyone would be hurt by all of this.

So who's culpable here? Tom for his moment of weakness? His wife, Anita, for her complete gullibility towards Rawat, John, for his ego in thinking he could take on the legal system?

Or was the real villain of the piece the legal system, of which Scattini is a product? Who wrote the affadavit that Tom signed? Not Tom, that's for sure. So what kind of system is it that rocks up to someones front door and demands with menace that a false statement be signed. And what kind of system is it that when it was pointed out that this happened in court, there was absolutely no question that the lawyers were believed, and poor Tom got scuppered?

And who's vindictiveness set the flawed Queensland legal system in motion? Let me guess, it wouldn't be a cult leader would it?

I think we all know who the guilty parties are here.


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