Posted by:
Rjchinook ®

05/27/2005, 23:43:35
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Hello? Eileen, why do you continue to make personal attacks against me through other members on this forum? 

You first question ME & the reasoning behind one of my posts, but yet you refuse to personally respond back or answer my questions. Why is that? What are you afraid of? 

You basicaly wrote that I'm not worth sharing dialog with and then go off on a self-righteous tanget. So I've gone back and read both you & Livia posts and I can see right where you both are coming from. Since I am not an ex-premie I believe I am in very good position to be very honest and OBJECTIVE in my observations about the both of you and your true motives for posting here.

You both tend to over-emphasize yourselves and under-emphazise the negative effects of your posts. Many of your  posts are based on self-gratification and you justify your responses as really trying to help the POOR ex-premies to overcome their afflictions and get on with their lives! But ironically you keep coming back so one may ask why?

So here's why...Your actions operate around either gaining something pleasurable by avoiding or venting something unpleasant in yourself. People like you suffer from low self-esteem and your actions for posting here revolve around either bolstering yourselves or deflecting any negative that could threaten your self-esteem. Its quite common so don't be too hard on yourself. You can rise above it, but its hard when your still so stuck in denial. 

By going off here the way you do it probably makes you feel more powerful and more in control of your own life. You really do come off with this attitude like your some how smarter, stronger, healthier, and really have your life more together than anyone else here. Sadly, its not the case at all.

1) The signs of REALLY HEALING and getting your life together begins by taking the courageous step to talk about your experiences, it could be with a therapist or a support group. 

2) Then to experiment telling your story to others outside, it could be in a self-help group or circle of close friends like this forum. By doing this you begin the process of knowing how to  control your past traumatic & negative experiences & soon they NO longer control you. 

3) Another sign of healing is making yourself available to others who are just starting to deal with their negative & traumatic experiences. You can encourage and advise them without trying to rescue them or SAY HEY LOOK HOW COOL MY LIFE IS, SO WHY ISN'T YOURS?    

4) One of the best signs of healing include is when you discover that you have valuable messages for a wider audience! In this case wanting to warn others so they don't have to go through what you went through & share with others without coming off as condescending, patronizing or self-rightous!!

5) Last you can connect with others and share your own transformative journey & can appreciate and VALIDATE each other's spirit and RESPECT where they're at in their own journey!



Modified by Rjchinook at Fri, May 27, 2005, 23:53:54

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