Eileen, Eileen, Eileen...
Re: Original message -- Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

05/28/2005, 23:10:18
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Eileen,  you seem very suspicious of people.

What if RJ is exactly who they say they are - a very articulate and intelligent person who went to an introductory Maharaji event and became curious and did a Google search on Maharaji or Prem Rawat and they hit the motherlode of information - Forum 8, EPO, and other websites?  Ok, maybe RJ didn't say they were articulate and intelligent, but it's pretty obvious, don't you think?

Also, I know where Cynthia is and she is not posting on this forum with a new name.  That is not Cynthia's style in the least.  Far from it!  And when Cynthia says she posts with her real name you can take that to the bank.

And why is RJ's response to Maharaji so unexpected?

I think that Maharaji and premies do not give enough credit to people's built-in B.S. detectors and instead think that those people who walk away are living in darkness and, worse, are doomed to Maharaji's version of hell.

I think it's pretty clear that the Keys and whatever scheme Maharaji comes up with will fail because Maharaji is a horrible speaker with nothing to say beyond common platitudes.

Ok, I am rather concerned with Maharaji's most disgusting abuse of the truth with his latest gambit where he is calling himself one of the World's Leading Experts on Peace because he once spoke at a rented UN facility.  Doesn't that bother you in the least?  Please tell me what you think of that.

And let's not forget that his foundation gave about $10,000 in rice to Liberia.  And Maharaji donated about $180,000 in funds that premies donated to tsunami relief.  And Maharaji let rented a facility in India and invited one of those Doctors Without Border groups to give free eye examinations.  Of course, Maharaji made it look like he had paid for the docs who had actually volunteered their own time and had paid their own way to India.

But, hey, he's my satguru and I looooovvvee him.

Modified by Babaluji at Sat, May 28, 2005, 23:29:56

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