Re: RJ, Babaluji and Bunny***best of***
Re: RJ, Babaluji and Bunny***best of*** -- quirky Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Rjchinook ®

05/28/2005, 13:30:04
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Thanks Quirky, I'm just calling it how I see it. From going back & reading Eileen & Livia posts its obvious where they're at in their own lives & how they're both stuck in this "Holier than Thou DENIAL" And how their superior way of thinking is really a feeble attempt of trying to feel good about themselves. Its real sad & they really need help & sympathy. 

I also find in funny & ironic that both Jonx & Eileen have lashed out about my presence here when one of this forum's puposes is to HELP PREVENT INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM FALLING VICTIM TO THIS MASTER MANIPULATOR & HIS CULT! 

Its like their MAD that I didn't fall victim because I instead, found my way here & to all the ex-premie web sites. Thank GOD!

In the stages of loss, grieving, trauma, etc. we all develop our own way of dealing with it. These stages can interchange through-out our lives ( & its neither good or bad its call GROWTH!), but the ones that have the hardest times are the ones who remain STUCK in the first stages for a very long time.

SHOCK is the first stage where we can't comprehend the impact of what happened to us. Next, DENIAL, where we're not in reality; for example the belief that nothing really BAD has happened. Then comes ANGER & GUILT, anger is feeling powerless & guilt is self-blame & can manisfest in many ways. DEPRESSION, the next stage is just realizing the extent of your loss. Then comes ACCEPTANCE, that's coming to terms with what happened. Finally, EMPOWERMENT, which is your CLARITY of PURPOSE. For example having a forum like this to exchange experiences, confirm & VALIDATE one another.   

That's why I opt to have sympathy for them.  


Modified by Rjchinook at Sat, May 28, 2005, 13:35:52

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