Big question: before or AFTER Prouty told Rawat about Jagdeo
Posted by:
Jim ®

03/16/2005, 20:03:40
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This is from a satsang Rawat's wife, Durga Ji, Goddess of Love, gave over the phone to the Denver community on her birthday, October 27, 1977:

Today has been such a day of having faith in Guru Maharaj Ji and trusting Guru Maharaj Ji.  That's really where it's at all the time.

The other day Maharaj Ji and I were talking.  I had read an article in "Time" or "Newsweek" magazine about child abuse.  It really depressed me.  It was just like, "What can I do, what can we do to help this problem."  It just hit me so deeply.

I'd look at Premlata and Hansi and Navlata and I see how these babies are such beautiful gifts that the Creator has given us.  I want every single mother and father to experience the joy and love that these children can bring us.

And when I read this article, it hurt really deeply.  I know that this happens, that it's something that's happening right now.  We're so lost in this world, and I know that the answer to that is Knowledge.  But in this lifetime, in the next six months, in the next year will all these people be able to receive Knowledge, will they be able to understand, will they have that help?  I don't know.  Of course, that's up to Maharaj Ji, but it's just a situation that this world is in.  We've gone so far away that it's going to take a long time to come back to that point. 

So I was just speaking ot Maharaj Ji and saying, Maharaj Ji, what can we do in the meantime, because there are these little children, and then they grow up and they have the same problem.  Maharaj Ji said, you know, it all comes dow to just really trusting in Guru Maharaj Ji.  And I said, yes, but what about all these people that don't even know Guru Maharaj Ji?  How can they trust in Guru Maharaj Ji?  And Maharaj Ji gave me some satsang about the whole society and structure, but the thing that He kept stressing was just trust in Guru Maharaj Ji.  In this world, to really have trust and faith in Guru Maharaj Ji.  In this world, to really have trust and faith in Guru Maharaj Ji.  In this world there are a lot of things that we go through and we don't understand all of them.  And it's like, why is this happening, or why can't it be this way or why does it have to be like this.  It's really heavy to live with.  But if we can really experience that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, then we can just give it to Guru Maharaj Ji.  When soemthing's happening that we don't understand, just have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji.  Just let Guru Maharaj Ji take it.  Then it's so much easier to to cope, and live with.  And then we do understand why that is happening or why we had to go through that certain experience. 

But then look at Susan's account of telling Prouty that same year, 1977, about Jagdeo.  She says that Prouty promised to tell Rawat.  She also says that sometime later Judy Osborn confirmed that someone had told Rawat that Jagdeo was abusing kids.  Is it possible that Rawat had already heard from Prouty before he assured Marolyn not to worry about child abuse, because, like everthing else, he had it covered?

Related link: Jagdeo stuff
Modified by Jim at Wed, Mar 16, 2005, 20:06:22

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