The Captain's Albatross.
Re: Big question: before or AFTER Prouty told Rawat about Jagdeo -- Jim Top of thread Forum
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03/17/2005, 04:43:39
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Hi Jim,

The stink never goes away does it? According to an old national co-ordinator I spoke to, Rawat's way of dealing with Jagdeo, when the complaints about him were becoming too loud and too frequent, was send him out to the Far East, and limit him to touring Asian communities out there. Maybe someone from his organisation could confirm or deny this.

My limited contact with Captain Rawat left a strong impression of someone who avoids responsibiity and confrontation. If there was someone to be fired, for example, he'd always get someone else to do it for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he dealt with his number one paedophile mahatma in the same way, "send him to Singapore and hope all the nasty fuss will die down and go away."

Unfortunately for the Captain, and because of the courage of two of Jagdeo's victims, it hasn't gone away. It follows him around like a rotting albatross.

Anth, who thinks there's plenty more grubs wriggling under the log.

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